ACRANIA: Metal Progresivo Extremo desde Mexico...

J. C. Chavez - Drums & Percusion
Luis F. Oropeza - Vocals, Lead Guitar & Trumpet
Felix Carreon Hdz - Lead Guitar & Saxophone
Alberto Morales - Bass & Backing Vocals
Biography: In medicine, ACRANIA is a partial or complete absence of the cranium. Progressive metalheads in ACRANIA embrace the same sentiment when it comes to their music. They break the cranium, the barriers, embracing not only the hard and heavy stuff from death and thrash metal conventions but also propose more melodic progressive song structures as well with Latin and Jazz elements. On the lyrics side they expose a freely state of mind which also have relation with the absence of frontiers. The band was formed in Mexico City in 2001 under the name of NECROFILIA, when they were fourteen years, although their first studio Ep, "In peaceful chaos", was not recorded and released until 2007 under the name ACRANIA, this due to experimenting a personal musical growth between the members of ACRANIA which aspired to be able to find the perfect balance between Latin Jazz and Metal as well as complementing their music with other instruments outside those "typically metal" ones. There are plenty of bands out there that are fast and loud and pretty good at it, other bands might be noisier, or spend years perfecting their gutural or distortion technique, but no other band across today metal spectrum can top the inventive that ACRANIA  has shown flinging around Latin interludes (that go all the way from Samba, to Bossanova, to Salsa, Cuban Son and more!), typical mexican rhythms and jazzy riffs. This has taken them to extensively tour around Mexico and Europe, sharing stage with bands as DIABLO EWING ORCHESTRA (Swe) and more recently lead to an offer to play in autumn of 2011 in a Scandinavian-Baltic-Russian tour. ACRANIA is promoting their first studio album under the name of "Unbreakable fury" (8 tracks, 45 min. length), counting with an awesome artwork provided by Eliran Kantor (ATHEIST, TESTAMENT, MEKONG DELTA, AGHORA, MASTER, SODOM etc.), a wide range of special appearances of several well know mexican musicians and a new and unique extreme musical proposal.
Félix Carreón Hernández Jr.
Andalucía 187 int 301.
Col. Álamos. Delegación. Benito Juárez.
Mexico City, Mexico.
Félix Carreón Hernández Jr.
Mexico (52) 55 30 46 63 Local
044 55 36 45 59 03 Cellphone.

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